Why you should never rebuild from scratch

In mature product environments, I hear a lot of complaints about technical debt. „We’ll soon dump all the old code and start from scratch“, is a daydream that some developers speak out loud. Sometimes, they even convince management to do just that. Been there, done that, myself.

Joel Spolsky, former CEO of StackOverflow, calls rebuilding from scratch the single worst strategic mistake a company can make. Underestimation of what was already achieved, losing the connection to the market and overestimating the capabilities of a new team are among the reasons. Read the full article here.

What is a better way? Build a strangler fig application, is a proposition by software guru Martin Fowler – in my experience, this model works far better than the bulldozer approach.

Article photo by Photo by Markus Spiske: https://www.pexels.com/photo/codes-on-tilt-shift-lens-2004161/